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Great question. If I only had one video I could play it would be this.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Issue : Games : Venal

Katamari Damacy REROLL is a game about the corporation.

Bungie split from Activision, and they get to keep the kid. That legit just happened. I don't know what to say. I'm not aware of too many things, I know what I know if you know what I mean, but this is major.

This is more than a shot across the bow, this is more than a strongly worded response to a AAA publishers dismissive and reductive comment. This is looking the problem right in the eye and saying, "This isn't working."

But much like the Lybians learned revolt is the easy part. Freedom is a totally other shit show. Which parts of the mess were Activision, which were Bungie. Why did Microsoft let them go, why in the world would Activision? Can the team of heroes go it alone?

Who knows, but now they have a chance to try.

What happens next for Blizzard? No one in media is going to talk about it until someone talks about it. So I'll talk about it. Activision's Chief financial officers and half of the heroes of destiny (no pun unintended) on the finance team jumped ship a while back. Bobby crowned new lords of the realm in a desperate attempt to keep power, Now a marquee developer for the company is gone. Taking on hella water, they are.

How is the stock doing welp down 6 as of the end of trading yesterday well shit man, Activision is legit in the muck. I would say about time, but this happening is a precursor to the "course correction" in gaming all of the analysts have been talking about. Everyone is gonna have a bad time. It's the 80's all over again. 

Course correction in its simplest terms mean people have been making a lot of money and taking a lot of risks for a really long time and now there is less money to be made so less risk will be taken and also less money to be shared among people waiting on the long term benefits of said risk to pan out.

All of the risk-taking and money making started around 2008, this is around the time Activision acquired Blizzard and Bungie, this is around the time people decided esports and VR was going to dominate in ten years. Shit is just not working out the way people that have no idea how things work predicted things would work. Time to scale back, bout fucking time if you ask me.

Video game kids, don't sell your works to corporations, you will need your soul later. Thank you Bungie, this is hope. Best of luck.

Also I see you information waddup also rest in peace TB rest in peace TC rest in peace Tall-T. Love is love hatred is not love, off the rip go out and do great things I literally believe in you, personally. Not kidding, Also Jerbz.

The Protocutlure Mixtape : Issue : People : Venum 

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