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Great question. If I only had one video I could play it would be this.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Issue : Games : Syllogism

Resident Evil 2 is a game about houses.

Jesus Epic is thirsty. It's like they hired some marketing agency with a political lean and their plan is to attack, defend, and befriend everyone in the industry and take pictures of it all like a teenager on Instagram whenever they buy any kind of food.

I have been reading about this Epic and Improbable situation everywhere, and just like everyone else I imagine I read it as "Epic is in an Improbable situation." I didn't realize I am expected to know who Improbable is, and if I don't, I am just a fucking moron that shouldn't be reading these deep state communications about the super important SpatialOS issues going on that have the industry teetering on the brink of collapse.

Let me save you a Google (pun sort of intended).

Improbably is a tech company that makes simulation software. Simulation software uses math to fake real life shit. For instance, the software can make an algorithm that can visually show you how a wave will behave when the wind is like this and the moon is like that. Or show you how traffic moves in LA, which is something a still life painter could do as well, but whatever.

Anyway, that all leads into a video game engine called Unity. A game engine is a development environment people use to make video games. Literally two wack games have been made with SpatialOS technology in Unity so far. At the end of the year, Unity decided to make it so people can't make games with SpatialOS. People got hurt by that, because of feelings.

Epic makes Fortnight, and they make a video game engine called Unreal Engine. They really, really want people to use Unreal Engine. So when Unity stopped being friends with SpatialOS, wonder what Epic did. Oh, wait, yeah they made a big deal about how everyone that has not been using SpatialOS since 2012 to make games should be using SpatialOS to make games and we will give you 20 something million dollars to not use Unity anymore and make games on Unreal Engine.

Hopefully one day these companies will realize that the infighting is the problem, it ain't cute and the net-net is a lack of fun games which will kill them all one by one as they fight while the kids are in the room. Also, people don't play procedurally generated simulation games because life isn't fun, we don't want a recreation of it with a medieval coat of paint on top.

Developers of true skill are eating top ramen and struggling to create compelling experiences, not roll the dice on the idea that players will flock to the new tech on the "hot" platform. This is crazy town and the crazy town chamber of commerce are deciding to have fistfights on the floor of city hall and for the love of god what is going on with Randy?!? Messy. Just. Messy.

Anyway, did I even link to a game today? Oh shit I did, coo. It's a 30-minute demo for Resident Evil 2 upgrade. It's got better graphics so you should buy it. Which is what I have been saying this whole post. If something has better graphics then you should buy it. Oh, and make all of your personal greviances public, oh and hire a marketing team outside of your industry, and buy one of my books, and be at  my fuckin TED talk.

Also rip TB rip TC rip Tall-T. Love is a tall order in this world but its worth it, hate is a warehouse full of worthless nic-nacs. Get out there and do great things I believe in you. Keep going, you got this. Also Jerbz.
The Protoculture Mixtape : Issue : People : Specious

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