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Great question. If I only had one video I could play it would be this.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Issue : Games : Posthaste

Greedfall is a game about colonialism.

A kid asked me if I felt some kind of way about the low number protester turnout at Blizzcon. I told them that the number of people that turned up in real life to protest matches the number of people that protested online almost exactly. The kid didn't get it.

I really do feel bad when people think of the internet as a real place, things said on the internet as action items or people's words on the internet as who they really are. None of that was ever intended functionality.

The internet is a circus, a carnival, a theme park replete with hucksters, charlatans, and cotton candy vendors. Not a Disney park either, mind you. More like Six Flags or Great America. Hanna-Barbera characters you kinda recognize, roving packs of children there specifically to get laid, or fight, or ride something fast, in no particular order. And day drinking adults who wish somebody would.

People do not actually get "dragged" via Twitter. It's a bunch of people writing hurtful comments over and over under some post. People don't "win" flame-wars on the internet. It's just two people posting things they may regret later for the world to see, forever. People don't protest on the internet, they just "Bout' ta fight."

Here's the paradox: If power sees a threat via the internet, it's no longer a threat, because it's written on the internet. A threat via the internet becomes just another opportunity because people change their minds quickly. Double speed for the internet.

It helps if you are holding Diablo 4 in your pocket as well.

Listen: It's hard to protest on a platform a person can literally ignore.

I told that little nugget to the kid and they looked at me like I was from Mars. "HOW THE FUCK CAN SOMEONE IGNORE THE INTERNET?! IT IS LITERALLY THE FABRIC OF SOCIETY!!" Is it, though? Or is it just a bunch of words and images in a box?

Fun Fact: Blizzard used to be called Chaos Studios. Michael, Frank, and Allen must have thought the game industry was kinda crazy back then. Who knew.

Wait, I was talking about Greedfall yeah? Um... It's ok. It's basically the history of Spain with skill trees and less drama. I wouldn't kick it outta bed, but I also can't think of a reason not to wait till the Steam Christmas sale to get it (Don't hate me Spider!).

Rip TC rip TB rip Tall-T. Love is wise, hatred is foolish. Get out there and do great things, we believe in you. Also Jerbz.

The Protoculture Mixtape : Issue : People : Chilblain

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