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Help people get better with video games. Donate to Childs Play for karma achievements.

Great question. If I only had one video I could play it would be this.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Issue : Games : Wheedle

We Were Here Together is a game about tundras.

A long time ago a friend said the most disrespectful thing to me. We were talking about what we wanted to be when we grew up because we were dumb kids who truly believed what you want has any bearing at all on who you become.

I told the kid I wanted to make video games. The kid looked me dead in my corneas and said, "Nah man, I can tell you are going to find a stable job, get a house, settle down and have some kids, and just be that old guy watering the lawn at 9pm. "

I was ready to punch that dude dead in the jaw. How dare he say some shit like that to me! Find a stable job? Homeownership!? Have a peaceful and fulfilling life?! This fool had me all kinds of fucked up and he needed to know, so I told him he was tripping and set out to do none of that.

And guess what, mission accomplished.

After twenty years of contract gigs and no stable living arrangements, children, or foundation by which to figure out the rest of my life; midway through my life, I can now admit that maybe that kid was onto something and perhaps, perhaps, I was, at that moment, Boo-Boo-Da' Foo'.

I often wonder if I had just listened to what the kid was saying and moved toward that life, who would I be? Anyway, I stuck with that video game dream, out of spite I suppose, and here I am. Is what it is.

Last I heard of that kid he got addicted to meth and was stabbed to death in a Bakersfield bathroom. I always wanted to thank him for thinking so highly of me as to wish me a calm life, but then he died. He wanted to be a mechanical engineer, btw.

Now that I try and think about it no one I know at my age range is a homeowner. No one I know has worked the same job over seven years, no one I know that has kids is with the person they had the kid with, and none of us ever plan to retire. If it's this bad with us, what's the next generation got in store?

On my drive to work, there is this old guy out there on his lawn watering a shrub. Green hose, thumb over the nozzle so it sprays wide, a big old grin on his face.

Some days I want to punch him in his smug mouth. Some days I want to stop and politely ask him to die. Some days I want to ask him how he did it. I already know the answer to the last part, that is what he was shooting for the whole time.

Anyway, We Were Here Together is a chill game. And like most things, better experienced with a friend. Shouts to info, rip Tb rip TC rip Tall-t. Love is wise, hatred is foolish. Get out there and do great things, we believe in you. Also Jobs.

The Protoculture Mixtape : Issue : People : RoboCalls    

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