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Great question. If I only had one video I could play it would be this.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Issue : Games : Blandish

Negative Latency sounds like a made-up thing, but I guess it's not.

It's the latest tool in the box Google is using to try and convince people to invest in Stadia.

Oh, let me back up. Google Stadia is some kind of gaming console, that is not a console, but it also sort of is in every way a console. I don't know anymore. What it is supposed to do is to let you play video games over the internet. I'll give you a second to put your socks back on, cause I know they just got blown off.

"Play video games over the internet, you say? Tell me more." Well, let me tell you that with Google Stadia you can play all kinds of "Big" games on the internet, and all you need to do is pay money. Oh wait, and you need a hella fast internet connection. Actually, you need a lot of shit to make it work right. But the crux of the situation is that all you need is love.

Anyway, negative latency is a real thing because Google harnessed the power of machine learning to create a way to predict the inputs a user makes in a video game so that the computer doesn't have to wait for your slow ass to make up your mind. How brilliant is that?

That is legit what negative latency is, a computer doing stuff for you so you are not slowing the gameplay down with thinking. This is how Google is marketing its new product. Using the word "Negative" to lead into how game players, people that define themselves by deft hand-eye coordination and input manipulation, don't have to do that anymore because now there is a better way.

This is where we are now.

The president is streaming on Twitch, hot off the latest mass shooting, streamed on Twitch. Veteran game industry professionals are on a mass exodus the hell out of Dodge. Game companies are finally getting to the "Fuck you, pay me" part of their relationships with Chinese equity firms. Esports has still not made a dollar over the open market in twenty years. And Google is working on video games that play themselves.

If you do not see a catastrophic market crash happening by Q3 of 2023 at the latest you are a fucking moron. And if you are an investor who put chips in because you listened to these bullshitting, carpetbagging, so-called "Gaming experts" against your better judgments on how all markets work, you are even dumber. I don't know how else to say it. Maybe I should just call it negative latency.

But to end on a positive, Red Dead Redemption is coming to PC. I am legitimately excited. I know, gigantic hypocrite, but it looks like a fun game.

Anyway, rip Tb rip TC rip Tall-T. Love is wise, hate is foolish. Get out there and do great things, we believe in you. Also Jobs.

The Protoculture Mixtape : Issue : People : Cajole     

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