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Great question. If I only had one video I could play it would be this.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Issue : Games : Spoonerism

Moons of Madness is a game about licence.

YouTube got pretty big, didn't it? 400 hours of content a minute uploaded to 1.8 billion users who spend about a billion hours a day watching. YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world, the company that owns YouTube, Google, is the first. That must be nice.

The best part, it's all free. No lie, just log on and go crazy! Upload videos, share or comment on other peoples videos, subscribe to your favorite YouTuber's channels or make money by monetizing your own videos. No cost at all.

How does a company make money while providing a free service? Well, Senator, they run ads.

Mark made it sound simple to that dumb old man, cause to that dumb old man, advertisements are simple. They are the thirty-second interruptions in between his Law and Order Reruns. Ah, the halcyon days where you couldn't harass an end-user during the program.

These days, every self-respecting web hustler has gotta have their SERP up. SERP (Serch engine results pages) is when an advertiser pays YouTube to run an ad, and the advertiser pays youtube based on the number of views the ad gets or how many times it gets clicked on, which is PPC (Pay-Per-Click).

If that didn't net enough fish then you gotta move on to embedded advertisements. Those are the ads that play before a video begins, during the video, or after the video ends.

Like when you click on a video trailer of a movie you wanna watch and an ad with the trailer of the movie plays before the video trailer of the movie plays. But also just to be sure a banner advertisement neds to run in between the pre-video ad, intermission video ad, and link-box ad at the end.

Oh, and be sure to make the way to close the banner ad hella small, that way the end-user is either too frustrated to close it, or missed the checkbox and is sent to the advertisers' page, easy money.

And that is just dermatology digital marketing, surface level. It goes way deeper. But I mean, that's cool because it all makes the service free.

How do content creators make money from YouTube? Well, YouTube shares the revenue it generates from advertisers with its community of content creators hahahahaha nah im just fucking with you, they run ads.

So there you go, that is how when you click on a video you get served a pre-advertisement for a Google Pixel, a banner advertisement for some MLM, content containing an advertisement for Squarespace (It's always Squarespace), an intermission advertisement for a local couch store, and a link at the end for some dealers choice situation.

I don't blame the content creators. It's the scariest thing in the world to put yourself out there like that. To have people engaging with you must feel amazing. To be validated by your community, family, friends, must be edifying.

Then to have some flannel shirt invite you to the YouTube compound for a "lunch"! To have some other flannel shirts send you a super formal looking email saying they want to "partner" with you as the voice of [Insert community here].

All you have to do is...

Look, the product YouTube and Google sell are their users. But you already know that. Content creators are users, too. Just... Just be careful with all that, don't sell the act before you finished refining your act. Ok?

Oh, and nobody told me Moons of Madness is like, really, really, on that Lovecraftian shit, I noped the fuck out real fast. Not me, sir, you looking for that other one with that horseshit. Not that I'm scared, I just don't feel like playing it right now. It's dope tho.

Shout's to info. rip Tb rip Tc rip Tall-T. love is wise, hatred is foolish, get out there and do great things. We believe in you. also jobs.

The Protoculture Mixtape : Issue : People : Noachian

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