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Great question. If I only had one video I could play it would be this.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Issue : Games : Nidus

Artifact is a game about small talents.

Artifact launched in late November and died in early December. That's just the way things go here now. Did the world need another card game, "Sure, why not, said Valve." It's something to do, I guess. It's only gonna get worse from here for big companies. I think it is as it should be. I have been hurting for a while when it comes to video games. Why shouldn't they?

I feel like publishers and developers lost touch with the audience, I feel like eyes have been larger than stomachs, I feel like the industry has been rotting from the inside thanks to toxicity. It's been a solid decade, something had to give.

Riot's COO received a two-month suspension for habitual harassment. That's normal. C-Suite antics are legendary in video game workplace life, it's just how things go, part of the culture. If you are not a culture fit, as in, you don't like to be molested at work or things of the like, it's not gonna go well. You will find yourself outside of the industry looking in, no suspensions for grunts.

I never thought I would be the type of person to hope all falls apart, but when you feel so helpless for so long, wow do you root for what was once the bad guy. You just didn't understand the bad guy was the good guy and there are no good guys and it shoudn't be all guys and freedom isn't really free for all. Then you do, but by the time you do, it's too late.

I assume the game industry will chase its own tail till it runs out of money, or friends, or autonomy. Or some version of the three. Which is fine, because games will somehow live on without all of the money and the whatnot.

Artifact isn't a game Valve should have bothered making. The worst people in the company should not be the bosses. Publishers and Developers shouldn't run esports, it's a conflict of interest. People that legitimately care about video games should be able to find and keep work. Rank and file employees should have a voice in the industry to protect them. Fans should be taken seriously. None of that is happening, so this is why this is happening.

Maybe we will all get better next year.

Shouts to information, rest in peace TC, rest in peace Tall T, love is wise, hatred is foolish, get out there and do great things. I believe in you, I really do. Need a tank, you know where to find me. Also Jerbz.

The Protoculture Mixtape : Issue: People: Nebulous

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