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Great question. If I only had one video I could play it would be this.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Issue : Games : Immure

Hot Girls VR is a game about exactly what it says on the tin.

The VR conversation got real awkward, real quick, didn't it? A looot of money being thrown around those parts up until summer. Then a lot of people from startups being let go. Not heard a lot from Oculus or HTC in a hot minute.

Valve is just selling porn with it now, which is the smart move. Because the porn folks adopt early, adopt quietly, and never fade into the nut-stained night. VC's and the open public on the other hand...

Look, I don't know what to say. The tech market likes to quietly walk away from flops. Hardware gets ghosted like an awkward tinder hook up through stealth removal of the marketing collateral.

The tech industry is still too insecure to admit things fail. Products, business practices, the idea of open offices. They say things like, "It was successful, so successful we have pivoted our focus to other things." Ok.

It's ok to fail in new industries, folks. Maybe if we all take a deep breath and admit VR isn't adapting so well and is super expensive and the headsets hurt to wear and the games are bad and the software is buggy and maybe it is just not time for the tech to try for the mass market, maybe we could feel better about where the tech is today. Just a thought.

Did I play hot girls VR? Nah, it played me. I stand by that dad joke and it is what it is, information. Also Jerbz.

The Protoculture Mixtape : Issue : People : Entomb

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