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Great question. If I only had one video I could play it would be this.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Issue : Games : Abandon

Beholder 2 is a game about climbing the ladder.

 Speaking of Overwatch, I feel like the devs spend way too much time apologising for their creation and the game spends way too much time apologising for its existence. The game is fun, I've been playing the game before it came out, I hate on it constantly, but play it every day, which just means I am an average Overwatch player.

Three years later the game is finally starting to take itself seriously as an esport. Activision Blizzard is finally letting go of control and letting the community create and showcase with them. Overwatch league is finally going to allow teams to play in their own markets instead of trucking them to the asscrack of California to play in a way overproduced fake hype cave.

And all of this is great, but does anyone care any more? I hope so. I'm over hoping these companies fail because when they do it sets everyone back like five years. Overwatch lacks personality because to be completely honest the people who control the firehose are scared.

Scared to take chances, scared to stand by their decisions (how many reworks has OW had and imagine how it would go if Capcom could have hanged the hadooken based on community outcry) locked in battles with their community who have been hurt so often they have become feral to a company that would be applauded ten years ago when they so much as sneezed.

Blizzard doesn't play good ball on their heels, which makes them even safer than they were before, which makes them late to the party when it comes to letting the community grow the garden while they focus on keeping the lights on and trimming the weeds. People die standing still all the time.

Anyway, I'm tired of watching gods die, it's been twenty years and the schadenfreude high has worn off. I hope Blizzard keeps taking steps in the right direction, I want them to win. Shouts to information, as usual. Oh right, Beholder 2 is good. Dark, though, like, literally dark. I had to turn knobs. Might just be my screen but ok ill stop. Also Jerbz.

The Protoculture Mixtape : Issue : People : Tariff

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