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Great question. If I only had one video I could play it would be this.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Issue : People : Mea Culpa

Bright Memory: Episode One is a game about that novel you are going to finish.

30,000 games have been released on Steam. Think about that. That is thirty thousand peoples dreams, thirty thousand times people have decided to sit at a console and make something. I think that is the coolest shit in the world. Good for them.

Who cares if ninety percent of it is crap. The older I get the more I realize that any crap you see is visual proof that someone dropped some shit. I can't seem to do anything right, I am legit terrible at life, but even the people who set out to make a carbon copy shovelware game and throw it up on Steam for a quick buck decided to do it and just did it.

I don't know how people just do stuff, I spend my whole life talking myself out of things, and there are people out there just making games all of the time. It's like that kid in elementary school who walked up the diving platform and just jumped off while everyone else was daring each other to do it first. The kid did a belly flop and almost died, but the kid didn't die.

I get that market saturation is a problem, I get that the more people with bullhorns out there yelling, the less easy it's gonna be to find the next diamond in the rough. I think that is life, I think that rng applies to everyone, and some people can sit there and craft a masterpiece and still get no spins because that is just how life be sometimes.

It is what it is.

Listen, I know I should be talking mad shit on Steam for allowing Steam Direct to flood the market with whatever, but who cares really? This is all just proof people want to work in this industry and they want to make things, lots of things. Now there just needs to be a better way to let people know that those things are cool.

The guy who made Bright Memory: Episode One just sat the fuck down and made it. No team, no pitch for funding, no blaming anyone when the timeline got fucked up. I am so in awe of this dev, I wish I had half of the dedication. Big ups.

Also, rip TB rip TC rip Tall-T. Love is yadda hate is yadda yadda. Get out there and do great things, I believe in you. Also Jerbz.

The Protoculture Mixtape: Issue: Games: Culprit 

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