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Great question. If I only had one video I could play it would be this.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Issue : People : Frenetic

Skater XL is a game about evolution.

I guess... Maybe to kids not raised on golden age Tony Hawk, this looks hype. To me, this shit looks somewhere between Thrasher Skate and Destroy for the PS2 and OlliOlli shot by Grant Brittan after a few drinks. Whatever, an open market is an open market.

Speaking of, wow, Facebook sold your data to the highest bidder. Tell me more about the shit that has been in their EULA since the beginning. Wanting FB gone is so 2011, wanting FB gone without understanding how ingrained in the sediment of the modern internet the organization is silly as fuck.

That is not how Pandora gets all that music back into the box. It's out and flying and now that the recipe has been perfected the employees of silicon valley high will be spreading punk rock market strategies into question marks at different companies under different names with different "don't be evil" logos with different morally autistic CEO's selling friendship using platform systems that were literally the reasons they had no friends irl.

The journalists are smelling blood, but where? They are just hurt and desperate for the public to listen to them again, just once, just on one thing, just desperate as hell, the sad old grumpy good men and women they are. They never learned how to play when the truth wasn't the end all be all objective. The truth will be fine, as it always will be, it's just sleeping.

Politicians sound insane when talking about technology, no way to sugar coat it. It's basically witchcraft to them. Banks are this close to coming out of the closet as libertarian and legit hiding physical money in mattresses from this "Crypto cloud" their nerdy cousin told them about on Thanksgiving in Turks.

And the people that run tech these days were basically bad by default. Been running the table so long against people so convinced they had it figured out that by the time it all comes out the public is so addicted to the service they would use the service or subsurface of the service to revolt against the service.

Politicians are made by the service and slaves to the service by way of votes and data, so they would ask the service how to properly market against the service on the service without hurting the feelings of the service, and business will continue to make money hand over fist with the service till the service don't do nothing for them no more. Cause business only has one true god, the internet is just another vessel the holy ghost travels in. They come and go.

Also, what happens when all the rubes don't have social media no more? Idle minds etc... etc... Keep them logging into echo chambers and describing shadows on the wall. Please. The alternative is just... yikes.

So yeah, bad company got caught being bad, and? Oh wait is Skater XL the mobile game that ooooh ok now I remember that game is not bad. Heard it's launching on Steam early access tomorrow. Nice. Also rest in peace TC rest in peace Tall T love is smart hatred is dum these are big facts also go out there and do great things, I really really fucking believe in you. Serious. Also Jerbz.

The Protoculture Mixtape : Issue: Games: Phrentitis  

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