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Great question. If I only had one video I could play it would be this.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Issue : Games : Humble Approaches

Books and video games have always been in the same boat. Common family born a bit apart, cousins, mostly. Games have it kinda bad, nobody is sure what they are worth. Books have it very bad, can't give them away. As in if you walked up to a person of a certain age today and put a book in their hand, they would try to beat you to death with it, assuming disrespect.

Not that it matters, the dwindling cabal of humanoids that will always love and protect books don't give a rats ass who else enjoys them, like a choice you have in life or something.

Now books and video games are actually sharing ways to exist, vis-a-vis this whole "Tell me how much you want to pay for this group of things and I will give it to you at that price," Thing. Those old dudes that do video game comics and the president of science fiction and puppets are all about it. Great time to get fashionable guys. Also, smart move.

It's kind of like "Dating for Geeks," you put yourself out there in the form of your work, and then they choo-choo-choose you. With the added benefit in you getting the tips. I bet those broken kids thank that quickly approaching space they believe their chosen god lives in everyday that people are out there figuring out new ways to make them monies.

Oh yeah, and that Halo thing. Did ya really think they were gonna let that slide? Stop it. Now, windows 8 maybe, but Master Chiefz is serious buiznezz.

The Protoculture Mixtape v.117 Issue : People : Portents

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