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Great question. If I only had one video I could play it would be this.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Issue : People : Telekinesis

Diablo 3 is a point and click adventure/operant conditioning chamber/current video game hype recipient/thing you are probably doing right now, that has been a long time in coming but now is here. It's also a game in the elite club of having all those things be true about it but if you play it then those things cease to matter by the time you reach the skeleton king.

It's also a game that people play as an event even though not many people know why it is an event in the first place. The idea of a "main," as in a game that a person plays constantly over the course of years doesn't seem to have much traction anymore, and Diablo was a series in the league of Street Fighter, Starcraft, WoW, and a handful of fps's where saying you have been playing them for the last ten years to another "hardcore video game peep" will get you vertical head nods of respect, but saying it to a "softcore video game peep" will get you horizontal head shakes of secondhand shame.

It's still confuses me, kinda like back in school when a person would say something like "Yeah I decided to major in geography and I am in grad school for it," And another person would respond by saying, "Well that's a silly major and a waste of money, and also, there is a graduate school for that major? Why?"

Or a dude would choose to play a female character in a fighting game and human dudes would give him shit for it as if the video game avatar wasn't just palette skin 3, and the choices you made in selecting it had super important bearings on everyday life and not on the statistics and abilities of the toon.

And yes I am saying all this because everybody is giving me shit for rolling a witch doctor, and yes maybe I only did it because the witch doctor is black and not because he plays like a WoW warlock, and yes maybe I do like watermelon an chicken a little more than I should, and...  Can I do me? Can I?!

The Protoculture Mixtape V.78 Issue : Games : Hell Rell

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