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Great question. If I only had one video I could play it would be this.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Issue : Games : Disruptive

Doom is a game about... Demons in space... And the Rock was in the movie... yeah I think that's it. I dunno.

So it's the end times, and I say that because we have reached a day where Microsoft is making good decisions with BASH on x86, Xbox = Devkit, cross compatibilityHoloportation. And Popeye's is bringing back the Bonafied Big Box. It's like a singularity of office buzzwords opened in Seattle to birth the ultimate synergy. A whole new world.

Oh sorry, I was talking about Doom. I'm playing the Beta now. It's cool, more like Quake than OG Doom multiplayer but I don't say that in a bad way. I'm actually having fun. Is it strange seeing that Bethesda splash across the opening cards? I'm legit asking.

Anyway, that's about it... I don't have much else on my mind. Oh wait, shouts to DrAKz, and yes I am aware this blog sucks and it's pointless and shitty and yada yada yada.

Here's the thing Korben Dallas, It's a thing I do for myself and the few friends I have. Most people I know of that read this thing have worked with me in the past. For eight to twelve hours a day they were forced to hear me behave like this in real life. Some days were so hard all I could give anyone was a laugh in the hallway.

Nowadays we are all so busy and scattered. With this blog they can pop in to chill, have a laugh, and catch up with their one buddy that never grew up and is into weird shit. But by far the most important thing is the jobs link at the bottom, everything about this project is just toppings for that because layoffs and setbacks happen a lot in gaming and I always want my friends to know I'm there for them.

Never meant for this to make a buck or to ever be more than it is, and as long as they poping in I'll keep it up, because if my foolishness brings them even a moment of reprieve from this waking life than it's more than worth it. And for what it's worth your Reaper is waaavvy. Also Florence and the Machine in Final Fantasy? This truly is the end times. Also Jobs.

The Protoculture Mixtape : Issue : People : Synergy

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